According to the World Health Organization (WHO) information,there are 112 new cases of Poliomyelitis (Polio) worldwide from January 1 to July 1, 2014 in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia, Somali. WHO has defined the current outbreak of polio as a "public health emergency of international concern", and issued the relevant international travel advice.
According to the regulations of the Chinese authorities, it is hereby announced as follows:
Nationals holding the aforementioned 9 countries' passports, who are entering China from August 1, 2014 to August 1, 2015, are required to produce official certificates of polio vaccination within 1 year. Those who are not holding official polio vaccination certificates will be administered 1 dose of oral polio vaccines (OPV) each upon entry, and certificates of vaccination will be issued accordingly. Those who are not holding official polio vaccination certificate and do not accept the related measures, will be denied entry in accordance with the Chinese laws and regulations.